August 16, 2005

Rodent Revelry

This begs the question
A Vanderbilt University research squad has illustrated what the Victorians and Mary Whitehouse knew all along: that smut sends you blind, albeit temporarily. The same apparently applies to blood and guts images, although of course eyeballing snaps of carnage does not carry the same penalty of eternal damnation as ogling smut.

Vanderbilt Uni psychologist David Zald and his team exposed guinea pigs to a barrage of 'disturbing' images interspersed with landscape or architectural snaps, telling them to scan the images for a certain target image. The press release explains: 'An irrelevant, emotionally negative or neutral picture preceded the target by two to eight items. The closer the negative pictures were to the target image, the more frequently the subject failed to spot the target. In a subsequent study, which has not yet been published, the researchers substituted erotic for negative images and found the same basic effect.
Who actually makes porno films for guinea pigs?