February 14, 2005

Do as we say, not as ...

Oops (courtesy Brother's Judd)
THE Kyoto Protocol takes effect this week but Japan, where the landmark environment treaty was sealed, is not fully prepared, its industry scared that a push to cut pollution will set back economic recovery.

The treaty aimed at curbing global warming - signed in 1997 in Japan's former capital, Kyoto - obliges the world's second-largest economy to cut 1990 levels of greenhouse gas emissions by 6 per cent within a timeframe of 2008 to 2012.

But 11 of Japan's 30 industry sectors, including steel and power, risk failing to meet their self-imposed targets in cutting carbon dioxide emissions, a Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) study revealed this month.

It found that Japan's emissions were going up as the economy expanded from a 10-year slump.

The survey has led the powerful trade ministry to reopen talk of imposing government, rather than voluntary, targets on emissions with taxes to coax violators - an idea opposed by big business.
Can't you tell how excited they are?